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Finished Reading: Making Big Data Work For your Business
Oct 13, 2016

Today I finished reading my 27th book of 2017, the title is Making Big Data Work For Your Business, and similar to previous Packt books this one was also part of the Free Learning program.

Making Big Data Work For Your Business is a long non technical book, that mentions some Big Data technologies here and there but nothing like Manning’s Big Data. This book focuses more on what happens before the actual Big Data Project, the planning and justification of the project itself.

The main goal of this book is to explain Big Data to people in your organization, what could happen while and during the implementation of this project, the benefits and possible impacts after implementation, it also covers how to build a team for converting those plans into action as well as how to share those findings. Although I feel is aimed to Managers and Executives, I still believe a technical person could benefit from reading it.

Beware, this a long business-like book, it could be tedious at times, so take your time when reading it.

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