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Goals: May 2017
May 01, 2017

April is gone and I literally did not have enough time to do anything personally. Here’s last month’s update and my plans for this month.


I’ve been really really busy, not bad news at all but it leaves me tired and with no energy to spend after coming home. I end up mentally exhausted and practically ready for bed. At least we are making significant and legit progress this time. Professionally that keeps my heart warm.


I finished reading two of the planned books in April:

I will complete reading the other one I planed, Neo4j in Action, in a few days from now.

What am I planning for May 2017?

I want to focus more on my soft skills with a bit of technical skills, so May 2017 will be all about completing the following books:

  • As a Man Thinketh
  • Web Performance in Action
  • Boundaries: When To Say Yes, How to Say No
  • Debugging Teams: Better Productivity through Collaboration

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